tstlngHiddenEmailText = ***************** tstlngRegistrationSuccess = Registration Successful. You are now logged in. Click "profile" above to set up your preferences, or use the navigation links above to go back to the forum. tstlngUpdateProfileSuccess = Your profile has been updated. tstlngLostPasswordSuccess = An email has been sent to your email address. tstlngTopicLockedSuccess = The topic has successfully been locked. tstlngTopicUnLockedSuccess = The topic has successfully been unlocked. tstlngSelectedMessageIconText = checked tstlngDefaultMessageIcon = 1 tstlngSelectMessageIcon1 = >Nothing tstlngSelectMessageIcon2 = >exclamation tstlngSelectMessageIcon3 = >question tstlngSelectMessageIcon4 = tstlngSelectMessageIcon5 = tstlngSelectMessageIcon6 = tstlngSelectMessageIcon7 = tstlngSelectMessageIcon8 = tstlngSelectMessageIcon9 = tstlngSelectMessageIcon10 = tstlngMessageIcon1 =   tstlngMessageIcon2 = exclamation tstlngMessageIcon3 = question tstlngMessageIcon4 = tstlngMessageIcon5 = tstlngMessageIcon6 = tstlngMessageIcon7 = tstlngMessageIcon8 = tstlngMessageIcon9 = tstlngMessageIcon10 = tstlngReadText = read tstlngNotReadText = notread tstlngLastPostDateText = at : tstlngLastReplyDateText = :: on // tstlngPostDateText = :: on // tstlngModifyDateText = :: on // tstlngNeverModifiedText = Never tstlngMemberLastLoginDateText = tstlngMemberNeverLoggedInText = Never tstlngMemberLastPostDateText = tstlngMemberNeverPostedText = Never tstlngMonth1 = January tstlngMonth2 = February tstlngMonth3 = March tstlngMonth4 = April tstlngMonth5 = May tstlngMonth6 = June tstlngMonth7 = July tstlngMonth8 = August tstlngMonth9 = September tstlngMonth10 = October tstlngMonth11 = November tstlngMonth12 = December tstlngPMTimeText = pm tstlngAMTimeText = am tstlngLoggedOut = You are now logged out. tstlngEmailSent = An email has been sent to . tstlngDeleteConfirmation =
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tstlngDeleteSuccessful = The post was deleted successfully. tstlngResultsFound = There were posts found matching the search criteria. tstlngEmailError = There was an error sending an email to . tstlngUsernameTakenError = The Username you entered is already taken. Press the Back button on your browser and try a different username. tstlngReservedUsernameError = The Username you have chosen is unavailable. Press the Back button and choose another username. tstlngInvalidUsernameError = The username you have chosen is not valid. Usernames may only include letters and numbers. tstlngVerifyBlankError = The field cannot be blank. Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngVerifyTooLongError = The field cannot exceed characters. Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngVerifySigLineCountError = The signature you have chosen exceeds the maximum line count for signatures on this board. The maximum line count is currently set to . Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngVerifyEmailError = Please enter a valid Email address. Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngVerifyPasswordError = Your Passwords do not match. Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngLoginFailedError = Login failed. Bad Username or Password. Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngSkinNotFoundError = The skin you have chosen cannot be found. You are now using the default skin. tstlngUserNotFoundError = The user you have entered cannot be found. Press the Back button on your browser and try again. tstlngProfileNotFoundError = The profile you have requested cannot be found. The user may may have been deleted. tstlngNotAuthorError = You are not the author of this post. You cannot modify it. tstlngDeleteTopicError = You may not delete a topic. Only the administrator or moderator has access to delete topics. tstlngPreviewModeError = This feature does not work in Preview mode. You must first post this message. tstlngReplyNoAccessError = You do not have access to post replies on this board. tstlngTopicNoAccessError = You do not have access to post topics on this board. tstlngTopicLockedError = This topic has been locked. You cannot post a reply at this time. tstlngPostNotFoundError = The post you are attempting to view or modify cannot be found. The author or administrator may have deleted it. tstlngReadNoAccessError = You do not have access to read messages on this board. tstlngGuestCantModifyError = Guests are not allowed to modify any posts. You need to log in before you can modify this post. tstlngNoForumsDefinedError = There are no forums currently defined for this message board. tstlngNoTopicsError = There have been no topics posted to this board yet. tstlngInvalidPOSTorGET = POST or GET method passed unexpected value. tstlngGenericError = There was an error processing your request. Error details below: Number: Description: Source: Cause: Please email the webmaster of this board, and try again later. tstlngHelpMainBoardSubject = Main Forum Page tstlngHelpMainBoardMessage = This is the main forum page. Click a forum name, and you'll be shown a list of topics for that forum. tstlngHelpMainTopicSubject = Main Topic Page tstlngHelpMainTopicMessage = This is the main topic page. Click on a topic, and you'll be shown a list of posts for that topic. If you would like to post a new topic, click the Post button. tstlngHelpMainPostSubject = Main Post Page tstlngHelpMainPostMessage = This is the main post page. This is a list of posts under a topic. To post a reply to a post, click the Reply link beside that post. If you are the author of a post, you can click on the modify link to modify it. You can also send an email to a friend that links to this topic by clicking the "Send to Friend" link. tstlngHelpSearchSubject = Search Page tstlngHelpSearchMessage = This is the Search page. Choose appropriate search criteria and click submit to display search results. tstlngHelpPostSubject = Submit Post Page tstlngHelpPostMessage = This is the submit a post page. Fill in the fields and click submit to post your message. tstlngHelpTopicSubject = Submit Topic Page tstlngHelpTopicMessage = This is the submit a topic page. Fill in the fields and click submit to post your topic. tstlngHelpLoginSubject = Login Page tstlngHelpLoginMessage = This is the login page. Enter your username and password and click submit. If you have forgotten your password, click the "Lost Password" link. If you would like to be logged in automatically, click the appropriate checkbox. Note: This feature stores your username and password on your computer. If this is a potential security risk for you, it is not recommended you use this feature. You can "unsave" your password at anytime by checking the appropriate box in your Profile. tstlngHelpLostPasswordSubject = Lost Password tstlngHelpLostPasswordMessage = If you have lost your password, enter your username and click the submit button. Your password will be mailed to the email address you entered when you signed up. tstlngHelpRegisterSubject = Register Page tstlngHelpRegisterMessage = This is the register page. Fill out all fields and click submit. You will automatically be logged in and an email will be sent to the email address that you provided. It is recommended that you immediately update your Profile by clicking on the appropriate link after registering. tstlngHelpChooseSkinSubject = Choose Your Skin tstlngHelpChooseSkinMessage = You can choose your skin for the board by selecting the skin you want from the drop-down list. tstlngHelpProfileSubject = Profile Page tstlngHelpProfileMessage = This is the profile page. Fill out all fields and click submit. Any skin you choose will be implemented immediately. tstlngHelpViewProfileSubject = View Profile Page tstlngHelpViewProfileMessage = This is the view profile page. You can view the profile for a certain member. tstlngHelpNotFoundSubject = Help Topic Not Found tstlngHelpNotFoundMessage = This subject has no associated help topics. tstlngGuestName = Guest tstlngReplyBodyText = wrote:
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