tstadmStopBoardSuccessMessage = Toast was stopped successfully. tstadmStartBoardSuccessMessage = Toast was started successfully. tstadmRestartBoardSuccessMessage = Toast was restarted successfully. tstadmSaveConfigSuccessMessage = The configuration was saved successfully. tstadmAddForumSuccessMessage = The Forum was added successfully. tstadmEditForumSuccessMessage = The Forum was updated successfully. tstadmDeleteForumSuccessMessage = The Forum was deleted successfully. tstadmTestEmailSuccessMessage = The email appeared to be sent without errors. It was sent to the email address defined in the "Email From Address" field on the Automatic Emails page. Check your inbox to make sure it was sent successfully. tstadmUserAddedSuccessMessage = The user was added successfully. tstadmUserUpdatedSuccessMessage = The user was updated successfully. tstadmUserDeletedSuccessMessage = The user was deleted successfully. tstadmUserDeleteConfirm =
Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action can NOT be undone in the Recycle Bin. All the posts that this user submitted will be changed so the author appears to be a Guest with this user's name. Press the back button on your browser if you want to cancel.
tstadmAdminLoginFailedError = Administrative login failed. Bad username or password, or this user does not belong to the Admin group. tstadmFileWriteError = Error writing to . Check your permissions the this file...the IIS user must have permissions to write. tstadmInvalidForumError = The forum you have chosen does not appear to exist in the database. It may have been deleted by another administrator. tstadmInvalidUserError = The user you have chosen does not appear to exist in the database. It may have been deleted by another administrator. tstadmInvalidPOSTorGET = POST or GET method passed unexpected value. tstadmVerifyPasswordError = The passwords do not match. Press the back button on your browser and try again. tstadmVerifyEmailError = The email address you entered is not valid. Press the back button on your browser and try again. tstadmInvalidLicenseError = The License Key you submitted was not valid. Please try again. tstadmGenericError = There was an error processing your request. Error details below: Number: Description: Source: Cause: As a last resort, try running setup.asp again to re-configure your board. It will inform you of any errors it finds. tstadmCurrentNewsLinkText =   Current News tstadmBoardInfoLinkText =   Board Information tstadmBoardRulesLinkText =   Board Rules tstadmEmailConfigLinkText =   Automatic Emails tstadmTestEmailLinkText =   Send Test Email tstadmSkinsConfigLinkText =   Skins Config tstadmCustomParmsLinkText =   Custom Parameters tstadmForumsLinkText =   Manage Forums tstadmUsersLinkText =   Manage Users tstadmRecycleBinLinkText =   Recycle Bin tstadmStopBoardLinkText =   Stop Board tstadmStartBoardLinkText =   Start Board tstadmRestartBoardLinkText =   Restart Board tstadmLicenseLinkText =   License Info tstadmPurchaseLinkText =   Purchase Now! tstadmSupportLinkText =   Toast Support tstadmLogoutLinkText =   Log Out tstadmPreviousPageLinkText = << Previous tstadmNumberedPageLinkText = tstadmSelectedPageLinkText = [] tstadmNextPageLinkText = Next >> tstadmSkinListLinkText = tstadmEmailList = CDONTS, AspMail, AspEmail, Geocel, JMail, DynuEmail, EasyMail, SA-SMTPMail tstadmtstcfgSkinsAvailableHelpTopic = Skins Available tstadmtstcfgSkinsAvailableHelpBody = This is a list of skins installed on the board. Select which skins should be available to the users. Select multiple skins by holding down the Ctrl key (or Command key on Mac). tstadmtstcfgLostPasswordSubjectHelpTopic = Lost Password Subject tstadmtstcfgLostPasswordSubjectHelpBody = This is the subject of the email that will be sent to a user if he or she forgets his or her password. tstadmtstcfgLostPasswordMessageHelpTopic = Lost Password Message tstadmtstcfgLostPasswordMessageHelpBody = This is the body of the email that will be sent to a user if he or she forgets his or her password. You may use the special tags <!--%Username%-->, <!--%Password%--> and <!--%IPAddress%-->. The board will automatically replace <!--%Username%--> with the name of the user. It will replace <!--%Password%--> with the password, and <!--%IPAddress%--> with the IP Address that the request for a Lost Password came from. tstadmtstcfgMaxPagesonPageLinkHelpTopic = Max Pages on Page Link tstadmtstcfgMaxPagesonPageLinkHelpBody = This is the maximum amount of pages that should be displayed on the "Pages" link at the bottom of each forum or post page. Odd numbers work best, because the Pages link automatically centers on the current page. tstadmtstcfgMaxSignatureLengthHelpTopic = Max Characters in Signature tstadmtstcfgMaxSignatureLengthHelpBody = This number is the maximum amount of allowed characters in a member's signature. tstadmtstcfgWordWrapLengthHelpTopic = Word Wrap Length tstadmtstcfgWordWrapLengthHelpBody = This number is the point at which a line will be word wrapped. This is meant to discourage someone from typing in long words that will not wrap by default, which would ruin the layout of the page. It should be set to a relatively high number (around 100) to account for long web addresses and other legitimate long words. tstadmtstcfgBoardTitleHelpTopic = Board Title tstadmtstcfgBoardTitleHelpBody = This is the Title of your board. It is displayed at the top of every page in the header. tstadmtstcfgWebSiteNameHelpTopic = Web Site Name tstadmtstcfgWebSiteNameHelpBody = This is the name of your website. It is used in the Back to (website name) link at the top of every page. tstadmtstcfgWebSiteURLHelpTopic = Web Site URL tstadmtstcfgWebSiteURLHelpBody = This is the URL of your website. It is used in the Back to (website name) link at the top of every page. It should be in this format: http://www.websitename.com. tstadmtstcfgEmailGatewayHelpTopic = Email Server Gateway tstadmtstcfgEmailGatewayHelpBody = This is the IP Address of your SMTP mail gateway. If your mail gateway is installed on your webserver, then enter If you are using the "CDONTS" mail object in custom.asp (default), then this parameter has no effect. tstadmtstcfgEmailComponentHelpTopic = Email Component tstadmtstcfgEmailComponentHelpBody = This is the email component that will be used to send email. The selected component must be installed on your webserver. If you are unsure of which to use, try CDONTS first. If that doesn't work, you will need to contact your web hosting service to see what email component is registered on your server. tstadmtstcfgTakingNewRegistrationsHelpTopic = Taking New Registrations tstadmtstcfgTakingNewRegistrationsHelpBody = Select True or False. If False, new users trying to register will see the "No New Registrations" message below. tstadmtstcfgNoRegistrationsErrorHelpTopic = No New Registrations Message tstadmtstcfgNoRegistrationsErrorHelpBody = This is the message that new users will see when trying to register if the above value is True. tstadmtstcfgDBServerTypeHelpTopic = Database Server Type tstadmtstcfgDBServerTypeHelpBody = This is the type of Database server you have running the board. For now, only MSAccess and SQL Server 7.0 are supported. tstadmtstcfgDBPathHelpTopic = Database File Path tstadmtstcfgDBPathHelpBody = If using an MSAccess database, this is the relative path to the .mdb file. It is relative to the path of the main board directory. It should *NOT* be prefixed with a slash(/). It is used in the DB Connect String parameter below. tstadmtstcfgDBConnectHelpTopic = Database Connect String tstadmtstcfgDBConnectHelpBody = This is the Connection string for your database. If using MSAccess, you may use the special tag <!--*DBPath*--> in place of the path to the database. It will automatically be filled in with the full path to the relative directory above. tstadmtstcfgDefaultTopicsPerPageHelpTopic = Number of Topics Per Page tstadmtstcfgDefaultTopicsPerPageHelpBody = This is the default amount of Topics the board will display per page. The user can configure his or her own preference, but this is the starting point. tstadmtstcfgDefaultPostsPerPageHelpTopic = Number of Posts Per Page tstadmtstcfgDefaultPostsPerPageHelpBody = This is the default amount of Posts the board will display per page. The user can configure his or her own preference, but this is the starting point. tstadmtstcfgNotifyReplySubjectHelpTopic = Notification of Reply Subject tstadmtstcfgNotifyReplySubjectHelpBody = This is the subject of the email that will be sent to a user when another user replies to his post. tstadmtstcfgNotifyReplyMessageHelpTopic = Notification of Reply Message tstadmtstcfgNotifyReplyMessageHelpBody = This is the body of the email that will be sent to a user when another user replies to his post. You may use the special tags <!--%Replyer%-->, <!--%PostSubject%--> and <!--%PostLink%-->. The board will automatically replace <!--%Replyer%--> with the Username of the user who replied. It will replace <!--%PostSubject%--> with the subject of the Reply, and <!--%PostLink%--> with a link back to the Reply. tstadmtstcfgAutomaticallyLinkURLsHelpTopic = Auto-Link URLs tstadmtstcfgAutomaticallyLinkURLsHelpBody = If True, URLs such as "http://www.toastforums.com" will automatically be turned into links so users may click on them. URLs that will be linked are: "http://", "https://", "ftp://", "www.", and all email addresses. tstadmtstcfgAllowHTMLHelpTopic = Allow HTML in Posts tstadmtstcfgAllowHTMLHelpBody = If True, any HTML tags in the "Allowed HTML Tags" list will be shown as HTML in the post. tstadmtstcfgAllowedHTMLHelpTopic = Allowed HTML Tags tstadmtstcfgAllowedHTMLHelpBody = This is a list of the allowable HTML tags that my be used on the board. This list does not have any effect if the "Allow HTML in Posts" parameter is set to False. Type in a value and click the Add button to add a new HTML tag; select a tag and click Remove to remove a tag. tstadmtstcfgReservedUsernamesHelpTopic = Reserved Usernames tstadmtstcfgReservedUsernamesHelpBody = This is a list of usernames that may not be used by a user when registering. tstadmtstcfgBadWordFilterHelpTopic = Filter Bad Words tstadmtstcfgBadWordFilterHelpBody = If set to True, bad words will be filtered according to the bad word list. Bad words (words on the left side) will be replaced with the Replacement words (words on the right side). tstadmtstcfgBadWordListHelpTopic = Bad Word List tstadmtstcfgBadWordListHelpBody = This is the bad word list. To add a bad word, type in the bad word in the "New Bad Word" textbox. Then type it's replacement in the "Replace With" textbox. Click Add to add the pair to the list. Click delete to remove all selected bad words. tstadmtstcfgDefaultSkinHelpTopic = Default Skin tstadmtstcfgDefaultSkinHelpBody = This is the default skin for the board. This is the skin guest users will see, or real users before logging in. tstadmtstcfgReplyPrefixHelpTopic = Reply Message Prefix tstadmtstcfgReplyPrefixHelpBody = This is the prefix that is automatically placed before the subject when a user replies to a post. tstadmtstcfgReplyBodyTextHelpTopic = Reply Body Text tstadmtstcfgReplyBodyTextHelpBody = This is the body text that is automatically placed into the body of the post when a user replies to a post. You may use the special tags <!--%Username%--> and <!--%Message%--> in place of the original poster"s Username and his message, respectively. tstadmtstcfgFromNameHelpTopic = Email From Name tstadmtstcfgFromNameHelpBody = This is the From Name that appears on all e-mail sent by the board. tstadmtstcfgFromAddressHelpTopic = Email From Address tstadmtstcfgFromAddressHelpBody = This is the From email address that appears on all e-mail sent by the board. tstadmtstcfgRegisterSubjectHelpTopic = New Register Subject tstadmtstcfgRegisterSubjectHelpBody = This is the subject of the email that will be sent to a new user when he or she registers. tstadmtstcfgRegisterMessageHelpTopic = New Register Message tstadmtstcfgRegisterMessageHelpBody = This is the body of the email that will be sent to a new user when he registers. You may use the special tags <!--%ProfileLink%--> and <!--%Username%-->. The board will automatically replace <!--%ProfileLink%--> with a link back to that user"s Profile page. It will replace <!--%Username%--> with the name of the new user. tstadmtstcfgOnErrorSendEmailHelpTopic = Send Email on Runtime Error tstadmtstcfgOnErrorSendEmailHelpBody = Select True or False. If True, the board will automatically send an email to the Runtime Error Recipient below if an unrecoverable error occurs. tstadmtstcfgRuntimeErrorToHelpTopic = Runtime Error Email Recipient tstadmtstcfgRuntimeErrorToHelpBody = This is the recipient of the Runtime Error message below. tstadmtstcfgRuntimeErrorSubjectHelpTopic = Runtime Error Subject tstadmtstcfgRuntimeErrorSubjectHelpBody = This is the subject of the email that will be sent to the board administrator if an unrecoverable run-time error occurs. tstadmtstcfgRuntimeErrorMessageHelpTopic = Runtime Error Message tstadmtstcfgRuntimeErrorMessageHelpBody = This is the body of the email that will be sent to the board administrator if an unrecoverable run-time error occurs. You may use the special tags <!--%ErrorNumber%-->, <!--%ErrorDescription%-->, <!--%ErrorSource%--> and <!--%ErrorCause%-->. The board will automatically replace these tags with more details about the specific error. tstadmtstcfgForumNameHelpTopic = Forum Name tstadmtstcfgForumNameHelpBody = This is the name of the forum. tstadmtstcfgForumModeratorHelpTopic = Forum Moderator tstadmtstcfgForumModeratorHelpBody = This is the moderator of the Forum. He, along with the Administrator, has full access to lock topics, modify posts, delete posts, and delete topics. tstadmtstcfgForumDescriptionHelpTopic = Forum Description tstadmtstcfgForumDescriptionHelpBody = This is the description for this forum. tstadmtstcfgForumGuestAccessHelpTopic = Guest Access tstadmtstcfgForumGuestAccessHelpBody = These checkboxes represent what kind of access a Guest (user that is not logged in) will have on this forum. tstadmtstcfgForumMemberAccessHelpTopic = Member Access tstadmtstcfgForumMemberAccessHelpBody = These checkboxes represent what kind of access a Member (user that is logged in) will have on this forum. tstadmtstcfgUsernameHelpTopic = Username tstadmtstcfgUsernameHelpBody = This is the username of the user. It may be up to 16 characters long. Alphanumeric characters only. tstadmtstcfgFirstNameHelpTopic = First Name tstadmtstcfgFirstNameHelpBody = This is the first name of the user. tstadmtstcfgLastNameHelpTopic = Last Name tstadmtstcfgLastNameHelpBody = This is the last name of the user. tstadmtstcfgPasswordHelpTopic = Password tstadmtstcfgPasswordHelpBody = This is the user's password. It can be a maximum of 12 characters long. tstadmtstcfgEmailAddressHelpTopic = Email Address tstadmtstcfgEmailAddressHelpBody = This is the user's email address. tstadmtstcfgICQHelpTopic = ICQ Number tstadmtstcfgICQHelpBody = This is the user's ICQ number. tstadmtstcfgHomepageHelpTopic = Homepage tstadmtstcfgHomepageHelpBody = This is the user's homepage. tstadmtstcfgSignatureHelpTopic = Signature tstadmtstcfgSignatureHelpBody = This is the user's signature. HTML will be properly rendered according to HTML Rules. tstadmtstcfgSkinHelpTopic = Skin tstadmtstcfgSkinHelpBody = This is the skin the user has selected.